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    Conceptualisation of the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers

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    [EN] Nowadays, collaborative knowledge management (CKM) is well accepted as a decisive asset in the field of networked enterprises and supply chains. However, few knowledge management initiatives have been performed successfully because, in most cases, the barriers that hinder the CKM process are unknown and misunderstood. Currently, the research reveals different uni- and bi-dimensional barriers' classifications, however multi-dimensional approaches provide a better view of the complexity in the area of CKM. Therefore, this paper proposes the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers taking into account: (i) perspectives; (ii) levels and (iii) barriers blocks to provide a reference way to audit the CKM barriers, and thus, in further research, focus on the corrections and adjustments to guarantee the success while implementing a CKM project.Sanchis, R.; Sanchis Gisbert, MR.; Poler, R. (2020). Conceptualisation of the three-dimensional matrix of collaborative knowledge barriers. Sustainability. 12(3):1-25. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12031279S125123Rajabion, L., Sataei Mokhtari, A., Khordehbinan, M. W., Zare, M., & Hassani, A. (2019). The role of knowledge sharing in supply chain success. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 17(6), 1222-1249. doi:10.1108/jedt-03-2019-0052Sanguankaew, P., & Vathanophas Ractham, V. (2019). Bibliometric Review of Research on Knowledge Management and Sustainability, 1994–2018. Sustainability, 11(16), 4388. doi:10.3390/su11164388Zhang, J., Dawes, S. S., & Sarkis, J. (2005). Exploring stakeholders’ expectations of the benefits and barriers of e‐government knowledge sharing. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 18(5), 548-567. doi:10.1108/17410390510624007Riege, A. (2005). Three‐dozen knowledge‐sharing barriers managers must consider. 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    Enterprise Resilience Assessment A Quantitative Approach

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    [EN] Enterprise resilience is a key capacity to guarantee enterprises¿ long-term continuity. This paper proposes a quantitative approach to enhance enterprise resilience by selecting optimal preventive actions to be activated to cushion the impact of disruptive events and to improve preparedness capability, one of the pillars of the enterprise resilience capacity. The proposed algorithms combine the dynamic programming approach with attenuation formulas to model real improvements when a combined set of preventive actions is activated for the same disruptive event. A numerical example is presented that shows remarkable reductions in the expected annual cost due to potential disruptive events.Sanchis, R.; Poler, R. (2019). Enterprise Resilience Assessment A Quantitative Approach. Sustainability. 11(16):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11164327S1131116Baghersad, M., & Zobel, C. W. (2015). 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    Mitigation proposal for the enhancement of enterprise resilience against supply disruptions

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    [EN] The current context is characterised by growing uncertainty, insecurities and risks. To overcome this situation, enterprises need to be resilient enough to guarantee its business continuity. This research is focused on the preparedness capacity, one of the three constituent capacities of enterprise resilience. To be prepared for the unexpected, it is necessary to identify, the most critical disruptive events companies face from a supply side and propose mitigation actions to provide companies with a set of alternatives to support the enhancement of the preparedness capacity of enterprise resilience. This research offers valuable information about both aspects; an analysis of the most worrisome supply disruptive events and a proposal of preventive actions as mitigation policies.Sanchis, R.; Poler, R. (2019). Mitigation proposal for the enhancement of enterprise resilience against supply disruptions. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 52(13):2833-2838. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.638S28332838521

    Searching for BcB_c mesons in the ATLAS experiment at LHC

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    We discuss the feasibility of the observation of the signal from BcB_c mesons in the ATLAS experiment of the LHC collider at a luminosity of ${\approx}\ 10^{33}cmcm^{-2}ss^{-1}.Inparticularweaddressthedecaymode. In particular we address the decay mode B_c{\rightarrow}J/\psi \pifollowedbytheleptonicdecay followed by the leptonic decay J/\psi{\rightarrow}\mu^+\mu^-,whichshouldpermitanaccuratemeasurementofthe, which should permit an accurate measurement of the B_cmass.WeperformedaMonteCarlostudyofthesignalandbackgroundconcludingthataprecisionof mass. We performed a Monte Carlo study of the signal and background concluding that a precision of 40MeVforthe MeV for the B_c$ mass could be achieved after one year of running.Comment: Latex,7 pages including 3 uuencoded Postscript figures appended at the end of the latex fil

    Decision-making in teamworks: sticky notes tool for degree

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    [EN] This paper is focused on the presentation of an open-source online tool based on the methodology of sticky notes tools to support Industrial Engineering degree students in the practical work of decision-making and in the teamwork's practical sessions. The main aim of this paper is to identify a tool to support students, as future industrial engineers, in the decision-making process through teamwork, in the establishment of strategic policies, and in the process of creating solutions, amongst others. Moreover, three different case study are provided with the main objective of showing the potential of the proposed tool in the scope of decision-making in teamwork's.Andres, B.; Sanchis, R.; Poler, R. (2016). Decision-making in teamworks: sticky notes tool for degree. ICERI Proceedings. 4293-4301. doi:10.21125/iceri.2016.2010S4293430

    Text-To-Speech Applications to Develop Educational Materials

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    [EN] There are several ways to develop educational materials and several different types of educational materials depending on the audience, objectives, topics or themes, type of education, among others. One of the most common educational materials developed is the use of presentations slides where to shape the information that the trainer wishes to share. The most used presentation graphics packages are Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress and Apple KeyNote. These systems enable Word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and displaying different presentation management tools to design and configure a presentation. This educational material is usually used to be shown during an explanation in a master class or online through an e-learning platform. In the case that the education material is available through an online resource, it is important not only to present the information in a readable manner but: (i) to add the explanation as a spoken sound version in order to give to the receiver more information than the one that is displayed in the slides and (ii) to avoid fatigue due to reading all the information of the slides. Currently, there are different text-to-speech applications that allow to play sound files based on text without the interaction of humans. This paper focuses on these applications, which their main characteristics are and which their benefits and weaknesses are in order to select the most appropriate one to develop the different types of educational materials.Sanchis, R.; Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2018). Text-To-Speech Applications to Develop Educational Materials. INTED proceedings (Online). 6085-6093. doi:10.21125/inted.2018.1436S6085609